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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 8, 2023

Using a Hair Dryer to Get Flawless Nail Art in a Jiffy

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Plug the hair dryer into the electrical outlet, set the drying speed to the lowest setting, which will help prevent burning your hands and nail polish. When drying, remember to continuously move the hair dryer on your fingertips, do not place the device close to your hand, place it about 5-10 cm away from your hand. Dry for 5 minutes or more if the paint is not dry. If the low drying speed does not dry quickly, set it to high but only for 3 minutes to be safe. Finally, reset the speed to low and let the paint on each finger dry completely in about 30 seconds. If you cannot dry your nails with a hair dryer yourself, you can ask someone to help you hold the device, the process will be easier and more convenient. With this little tip, hopefully you will never have to endure the boredom of doing your nails again. Do you know many other conveniences with a hair dryer? Share in the comment box below now! See also: 12 unexpected uses of a hair dryer Gree

What You Need to Know About Choosing the Right Dining Table Size for Your Family

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Dining tables for families come in various sizes and shapes, and the choice depends on the dining room space and the house interior. Therefore, it is important to clearly define these factors to ensure convenience and beauty in your home. The rectangular dining table is the most commonly used and traditional choice for many people. Despite occupying a larger space, it is highly functional and can accommodate a larger number of people. Additionally, many families opt for round dining tables as they create a comfortable gathering space and offer convenient food arrangement. This article aims to provide information on the standard sizes of dining tables to assist you in selecting the most suitable model for your family. By doing so, you can achieve a balanced kitchen space and create a harmonious and cozy dining atmosphere. 1 Size of 2-seater dining table The rectangular dining table for 2 people has dimensions of 80cm in

Solving the Mystery of Wild Eye: Wearing Glasses for Rabies Eye and Treatment Options

1. What is a wild eye? Rabies eye is a phenomenon characterized by dull, lackluster, tired, and lifeless eyes. It is commonly observed in individuals with eye defects such as astigmatism, nearsightedness, farsightedness who must regularly wear glasses. 2. Causes of rabies eyes when wearing glasses Incorrect prescription glasses: Using glasses with the wrong prescription is the main cause of rabies eye condition. Incorrect glasses lead to vision impairment, forcing the eyes to strain more to achieve clarity, resulting in eye fatigue and lethargy. Glasses not properly positioned: Improper positioning of glasses, such as slipping or misalignment, requires the eyes to constantly adjust, causing eye fatigue and eventually leading to wild eyes. It is important to promptly correct any misalignment or slippage for optimal vision. Inadequate light exposure: Exposure to excessively weak or bright light, particularly from electronic devices like phones, tablets, and laptops, can cause eye

Six All-Natural Solutions for Getting Rid of Cockroaches at Home

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1 Mint leaf or menthol A study conducted by the University of Iowa (USA) in 1990, which was shared by the Ehow news site, reveals that the scent of mint is highly effective in repelling cockroaches. To ward off cockroaches in areas where they are commonly found, you can: Place a set of mint leaves. Spray menthol. Alternatively, you can mix menthol with saltwater or white vinegar water to create a solution against cockroaches. Spray mint tea , which is also highly effective. Avoid adding sugar to the mint tea. 2 Bay leaves Here’s how you can use bay leaves to repel cockroaches in your house: Rub 7-10 bay leaves in water and clean your house as usual. When cockroaches catch the scent, they will quickly flee from your house! 3 Breadfruit Breadfruit trees, laden with fruit, can be found not only in the countryside but also in certain areas of Saigon. When you come across such a tree, bring one or a few breadfruits home. Place the breadfruit in areas frequented by coc

Decorating a Cozy Bedroom for Newlyweds

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Decorating the house together can seem like a daunting task for newlyweds, but it is also an exciting process as the two of you work together to find items and décor that match your style and the aesthetics of both of your lives. When it comes to the house, the bedroom is a particularly important space. As you settle into your marriage and your new space, the following tips will help you create a comfortable bedroom where you and your partner can relax and unwind. Choose the right bed The centerpiece of any bedroom is the bed. It should provide a luxurious and intimate atmosphere while ensuring quality comfort for sleep. Consider investing in a bed with a luxurious headboard, such as the Edra Stand by Me bed designed by Italian designer Francesco Binfare. This stylish bed features simple lines and proportions for a modern look. The headboard is designed with two types of Edra smart mattresses – soft and thick – with joints made from special materials that allow you to ea

Pocket These 10 Summer Makeup Secrets to Shield Your Skin

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1. Opt for Light Makeup and Avoid Bold Tones When it comes to summer makeup, it’s best to go for a lighter and more natural look. Heavy makeup tends to melt in the heat, so it’s important to wear as little makeup as possible to prevent it from sliding off your face. A simple combination of moisturizer, concealer, and mascara is enough to enhance your natural beauty during the hot summer months. 2. Choose Cosmetics Suitable for Summer Here are some cosmetic tips to consider: Avoid products that contain pore-clogging ingredients like palm oil, coconut oil, and mineral oil. Opt for oil-free creams instead. Use a lightweight foundation or moisturizer before applying makeup to help it last longer on hot days. Opt for liquid eyeshadows instead of cream eyeshadows as they are more long-lasting and less likely to smudge. Select a liquid blush instead of a dry powder blush to achieve a brighter and smoother complexion. 3. Don’t Forget to Moisturize Your Skin Moisturizing your skin

Learning 12 Jewish Parenting Tips

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Encouraging Children to Foster Independence In the Jewish culture, it is customary to instill independence in children from a young age. Parents teach their children essential life skills, such as self-feeding and utilizing utensils, encouraging them to perform age-appropriate tasks independently. A notable demonstration of this is observing Jewish toddlers confidently dining alone at local cafes in Israel, despite their tender age. Jewish parents consistently cultivate an environment that fosters independent learning and self-sufficiency in their children, while prioritizing their health. In contrast, many Vietnamese parents tend to doubt their child’s capabilities at a young age, resulting in continued dependency and even feeding them daily. This reliance on parental support impedes the child’s ability to thrive and achieve success later in life. Suggest Instead of Giving Orders Parents encourage their children to make their own decisions rather than dictating what they should d

4 Tips for Making Medical Declarations Online with Phones and Computers

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Declare Your Health Status on the Website Step 1: Open your device’s web browser and navigate to www.tokhaiyte.vn . Step 2: Choose the medical declaration object. When completing a medical declaration, you must select one of the following options depending on the purpose: Domestic Movement Declaration Entry Declaration Population-Wide Declaration Dien May XANH will provide comprehensive guidance on the process of registering the entire population, as outlined in the Declaration. Step 3: Please provide your phone number to receive the One-Time Password (OTP) code. Please enter the verification code sent to your registered phone number in the required box. Step 4: Fill in the required information in the Medical Declaration sheet. To proceed, please provide the following information accurately: 1. Full Name: 2. ID Card/CCCD/Passport: 3. Year of Birth: 4. Gender: 5. Nationality: 6. Contact Address in Vietnam (including Province, District/District, Ward/Commune, Ho